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Defective Products
Technology is continuously improving. Innovation and design continue to fuel our markets with tremendous products aimed at making our lives easier. Some of the most important innovations take place within the medical field. However, many products get to the market without proper testing or research. These devices have failed or misfunctioned causing severe injuries and even death. A product’s failure or malfunction can be caused by a multitude of factors and these claims can be highly fact intensive. 

If you have been injured by a defective product, you need an experienced attorney that has successfully recovered for their clients in the past in similar cases. James Broussard has recovered large settlements from manufacturers of defective products and is here to help you with your claims. All you need to do is pick up the phone and call James!

Experienced Louisiana Personal Injury Attorney - James Broussard, Esq.

Call For Your Free Consultation

(337) 324-9293

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